Xenta Absinthe Superior

Sale price€0,00
Sold out

Tax included.

Alcohol content: 70%
Volume: 0.7
Country: Czech Republic

Pickup currently unavailable at Predajňa Bottleshop 3 veže

Xenta Absenta Superior

Xenta Absinthe Superior

70% / 0.7 / Czech Republic

Predajňa Bottleshop 3 veže

Pickup currently unavailable

Bajkalská 9/A
831 04 Bratislava


Absinthe number 1 in many European markets. It is said that in the 19th century it was consumed by artists. It is produced by a process in which Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood) leaves are soaked in alcohol with anise and fennel for several weeks.

🔞 Prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age.

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